Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)
Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) includes representatives from each of the local jurisdictions:
- public works and planning departments
- city and county technical staff
- the air district
- Caltrans
- other affected agencies
- appointed citizens who have a technical interest in the BCAG planning process
The TAC is a vital link in the transportation planning process, providing the technical level analysis and input required in transportation project/program development. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month as needed.
Archives of Past Agendas and Minutes
Archives of Past Agendas and Minutes
Go to BCAG Archives to access previous fiscal year agendas and minutes.
CTC Material Due Dates - Local Agency Amendment or Allocation Submittals
2006 STIP Resources (Caltrans) (Includes current STIP Fact and Funding Sheets & TE information)
California Transportation Commission
Federal - Fact & Funding Sheets for non STIP projects (i.e. CMAQ) - "Right Click and SAVE AS to your computer"
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (Caltrans) Includes Methods
CTC Material Due Dates - Local Agency Amendment or Allocation Submittals
2006 STIP Resources (Caltrans) (Includes current STIP Fact and Funding Sheets & TE information)
California Transportation Commission
Federal - Fact & Funding Sheets for non STIP projects (i.e. CMAQ) - "Right Click and SAVE AS to your computer"
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (Caltrans) Includes Methods