Chico to Sacramento Plan
BCAG prepared the Chico to Sacramento Inter-City Transit Strategic Plan in February 2022 to provide the framework to integrate Butte Regional Transit and the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority's Route 3 (Stockton-Sacramento-Chico-Redding) to a consolidated commuter route between Chico and Sacramento.
The Chico to Sacramento Inter-City Transit Strategic Plan identified solutions to provide a regionally significant transit connection from Chico to Sacramento by analyzing routing and timing plans, operating and capital costs, fare structure, park and ride opportunities, number and type of buses required, and develop a marketing plan.
Due to population shifts from the Camp Fire and changes to service from COVID-19, the Plan re-assessed changes in ridership since the previous study was developed. The Plan identified ways to integrate the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Route 3 with B-Line to a consolidated commuter route.
final plan
final plan
final plan
The Final Chico to Sacramento Inter-City Transit Strategic Plan is available here.
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If you have comments or questions regarding the Chico to Sacramento Plan, please contact Sara Cain at 530-809-4616, or by email at