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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

The 2020 RTP/SCS and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report have been approved by the BCAG Board of Directors following a public hearing on December 10, 2020. All relevant RTP/SCS or SEIR material is posted online.  The RTP/SCS is required to be updated every four years, however, the BCAG Board can amend at any time.  BCAG is available to answer any questions regarding the plan and welcomes your input.  If you would like to discuss any matters or have a general comment, you are welcomed to reach out directly to Mr. Ivan Garcia at the BCAG offices by phone at 530-809-4603 or by email at  
Cover and Table of Contents  
Section 1 - Policy Element
Section 2 - Action Element
Chapter 7 - Transit              
Section 3 - Financial Element
Appendix 2 - Environmental Impact Report: 
                   - Notice of Availability 10/08/2020  
                   -Supplemental EIR 
Appendix 6-6: Modeling:      
December 10, 2020
RTP/SCS SEIR Comments are due by November 22, 2020
Next RTP/SCS Worskhop via zoom:
November 5, 2020
Please save the date for the next RTP/SCS Worskhop via Zoom scheduled for November 5, 2020.  If you are unable to participate and wish to do so, please contact the BCAG offices.  If you wish to attend in person, limited seating may be available. Please contact the BCAG offices.
Si Ud. esta interesado en participar en el proceso de transportacion de Butte County Association of Governments, esta invitado a asistir una junta para aprender de los actividades, documentos y proyectos en su comunidad. Sea parte de el proceso! Puede atender la junta de “zoom” y hacer sus comentarios o preguntas en español.
     Zoom Workshop
     Thursday, November 5, 2020
     4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
     Zoom Link Address:
     Meeting ID: 896 8148 4102
     Passcode: 879795
     +1 669 900 6833
October 2020
A hard copy of the complete document is available at:
                     Chico Public Library                                          Butte County Public Library
                     1108 Sherman Ave, Chico, CA 95926          1820 Mitchell Ave, Oroville, CA 95966
                      Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-4PM                     Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-4PM   
                      Butte County Association of Governments 
                      326 Huss Drive, Suite 150
                      Chico, CA 95928  
September 2020
August 2020:
November 2019 
June 2018   
Maps / Tables or Displays:
Supplemental Environmental Impact Report 
2020 scs documents

2020 scs documents

Adopted December 10, 2020
The 2020 RTP/SCS includes an update of the preferred “balanced” land use scenario, which considers the latest regional growth forecasts, recent regional trends in development and housing, and known impacts of the Camp Fire.  This approach recognizes the lower than anticipated housing and population growth and minimal changes made to local land use plans over the past four years, with continued focus on the primary land use strategies developed in 2012.
Project Documents
2020 SCS Document (Chapter 4 of the 2020 RTP/SCS, Adpopted December 2021)     
2020 SCS Schedule (revised October 2020)
SCS Progress Report (September 2019)
Regional Growth Forecasts (September 2019)
Technical Methodology (revised April 2021)
Land Use Scenario Map (October 2020)
Public Outreach for the 2020 RTP/SCS
Round 1 - Outreach Prior to Development (June 2018)
Prior to the development of the 2020 RTP/SCS, staff hosted a public workshop in June of 2018 in an effort to educate and inform the public as to what the project consists of and to solicit comments. (Public Notice)
Round 2 - Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Scoping Meetings (November 2019)
BCAG staff and EIR consultants, Rincon Inc., hosted a public workshop in November of 2019 to solicit views from agencies and the public regarding the scope and content of the environmental analysis that will be included in the Draft EIR. (Public Notice)
Round 3 - Review Preliminary Draft Land Use and Transportation Scenarios (September 3, 2020) (link to workshop materials and public notice )
Round 4 - Review Draft Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (November 5th, 2020)
2020 rtp aMENDMENTS

2020 rtp aMENDMENTS

Amendment #3 - Comment period is is August 2, 2024 through September 3, 2024 for a 30 day official public review period.  Amendment #3 includes new projects to the RTP/SCS and review of the new 2025 FTIP.  This amendment makes the following changes:
Update to Existing Exempt Project:
1. Caltrans - Grouped Projects for Safety Improvements - SHOPP Collision Reduction Program. This amendment updates the current Grouped Project listing to add a project on State Route 191 near Paradise from 0.25 mile north of Durham Pentz Road to 0.25 mile south of Durham Pentz Road (PM 3.278 / 3.778). The scope of the project is to improve the existing intersection/roundabout to address collision patterns. The project is exempt from a regional emissions analysis per the Environmental Protection Agency’s Transportation Conformity Rule Section 93.127 Exempt from Regional Emissions Analysis, Table 3 – Projects Exempt From  Regional Emissions Analyses indicating that intersection channelization projects are exempt. This project was not previously included in Caltrans’ Grouped Listing and therefore amendment
is required.

Adds a New Exempt Project:
2. Butte County – Lumpkin Rd Rehabilitation Project – This amendment adds the Lumkin Rd Rehabilitation project. The scope of this project is to rehabilitate Lumpkin Rd damaged as a result of the Bear Fire (North Complex West) and the subsequent disaster recovery work from near Forbestown Rd to the end of pavement near CalFire State 51. A total of $4 million in Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed funds and $459,000 in local match is programmed. The project is exempt from a regional emissions analysis per the Environmental Protection Agency’s Transportation Conformity Rule Section 93.126 Exempt from Regional Emissions Analysis, Table 2 Safety – Projects Exempt From Regional Emissions Analyses indicating that pavement resurfacing and/or rehabilitation are exempt.

Adds a New Non-Exempt Project:
3. Town of Paradise – Roe Rd Extension for Phase 2 Project. This amendment updates the project description to increase the scope to include a new 3 lane road with bicycle and pedestrian facilities from South Libby Rd to State Route 191/ Clark Rd. to address emergency evacuation needs highlighted by the 2018 Paradise Camp Fire. This project is funded with Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds, Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program (LTCAP) and Local funds for a total of $41,000,000. 
Public Notice      
Amendment #2 -  Comment period is March 12, 2024 for a 15 day official public review period.  The purpose of this amendment is to program two new projects and make a tupdate the 2020 RTP/SCS to ensure consistency with the 2023 FTIP through Amendment #5.  The following tables have been updated.  
BCAG Board Memorandum   
Amendment #01 - Comment period is June 20, 2023 through July 7, 2023. The purpose of this amendment is to program two new projects and make a technical correction to another as described below.  In addition, this amendment updates project listing in the RTP/SCS to be consistent with the projects in the FTIP through Amendment #3:
  • Town of Paradise - Roe Rd Extension Project. This amendment programs $60.4 million of which $1.8 million is Highway Infrastructure Program (HIP) funds and $58.6 million is from Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds (CDBG-DR). The scope of the project is to complete Phase 1 to close gaps to four (4) north-south roadways which serve disconnected residential areas with new roadway links serving long dead-end streets including South Libby, Edgewood and Sawmill Roads to Pentz. Project includes environmental for the future planned 5-mile section between Pentz Road and Skyway.  The project is capacity increasing, and therefore non-exempt and requires a new air quality emissions analysis and conformity determination.  In addition, this is a new project not currently in the 2020 RTP, therefore the 2020 RTP is being amended to include the project.
  • Butte County – Cohasset Road Widening and Fire Safety Project.  This amendment programs $1.4 million in HIP funds to prepare a feasibility study and preliminary engineering studies. The feasibility study will investigate alternatives for improving traffic flow during evacuation events such as pull-outs, shoulder widening, or any other efficient use of the existing roadway cross-section to improve the emergency evacuation economy, including intelligent transportation solutions, sign messaging and a fire warning system.  Upon completion of this phase, the Butte County anticipates producing a chosen alternative and engineer’s estimate that may be used to seek future state and federal funding. The project does not add thru lanes or capacity. The project is exempt from a regional emissions analysis per the Environmental Protection Agency’s Transportation Conformity Rule Section 93.126 Exempt Projects, Table 2 “Safety” indicating that projects that correct, improve, or eliminate a hazardous location or feature are exempt.  In addition, this is a new project not currently in the 2020 RTP, therefore the 2020 RTP is being amended to include the project.
  • Town of Paradise - Go Paradise / Skyway Link Project.  This amendment is a technical correction to change the description of providing Class II bike lanes to providing a Class I Bike/Ped Path as approved by the California Transportation Commission. There is no change in funding or schedule.  The project limits are on the Skyway between Bille Rd and Wagstaff Road.  This is an existing project programmed in the FTIP. The project does not add thru lanes or capacity. The project is exempt from a regional emissions analysis per the Environmental Protection Agency’s Transportation Conformity Rule Section 93.126 Exempt Projects, Table 2 “Air Quality” indicating that bicycle and pedestrian facilities are exempt.
2020 RTP/SCS Amentdment #1 and the 2023 FTIP Amendment #03 includes a new non-exempt project, the amendment includes a new conformity determination and regional emission analysis for the 2020 RTP and 2023 FTIP.
RTP Updates Approved by BCAG Board:
  • Appendix 10-7 - BCAG Summary of Projects
  • Appendix 10-9 - Butte County Summary of Projects
  • Appendix 10-10 - Caltrans Distric 03 Summary of Projects 
  • Appendix 10-11 -  Chico Summary of Projects  
  • Appendix 10-12 - Gridley  Summary of Projects
  • Appendix 10-14 - Town of Paradise Summary of Project
BCAG Board of Directors Memorandum  
Comments Received
EnVIROnmental Impact Report - 2020 RTP/SCS

EnVIROnmental Impact Report - 2020 RTP/SCS

A program-level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared for the 2020 update of the Butte County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS).  A program EIR is an environmental document that provides a framework for future environmental analysis.  The EIR presents a regional assessment of the RTP/SCS impacts.  Individual specific environmental analysis of each project will be performed by the lead agency prior to each project being implemented.
SUBMIT COMMENTS TO: Please submit comments by 5:00 p.m. on November 22, 2020. 
Draft Document
                     A hard copy of the complete document is available at:
                     Chico Public Library                                      Butte County Public Library
                     1108 Sherman Ave, Chico, CA 95926          1820 Mitchell Ave, Oroville, CA 95966
                      Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-4PM                     Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-4PM   
                      Butte County Association of Governments 
                      326 Huss Drive, Suite 150
                      Chico, CA 95928  
11/07/2019 - BCAG Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting - Draft List of Projects   
10/17/2019 - Tribal Governments Consultation - AB 52 Consultation