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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

BCAG Long-Term Regional Growth Forecasts

BCAG Long-Term Regional Growth Forecasts

Forecasts 2022-2045 (Adopted December 2024)
BCAG has prepared Long-Term Regional Forecasts for the Butte County region in coordination with local partners through BCAG's Planning Director's Group.  The forecasts are prepared every 4-years and are utilized in developing BCAG’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), Air Quality Conformity Determination, and Regional Housing Needs Plan and provides data support for BCAG’s regional Travel Demand Model. Local land use planning agencies may also elect to utilize the forecasts for preparing district plans or city and county long range plans.
CA Department of Transportation Socio-Economic Projections

CA Department of Transportation Socio-Economic Projections

Caltrans Transportation Economics Branch prepares long-term socio-economic forecasts for each county on an annual basis.

See Caltrans Long-Term Socio-Economic Forecasts website for more details.