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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

Transit & Non-Motorized Transportation Plan

 Butte County Transit and Non-Motorized Plan

The Butte County Transit and Non-Motorized Plan focuses on improving transportation networks for people who walk, bike, or take transit in Butte County.  The plan recommends short-term changes and enhancements, as well as long-term improvements needed based on projected growth in Butte County.  The study area was all of Butte County.

The study included a number of key steps: 

  • An inventory of transit services and bicycle/pedestrian facilities
  • Understanding travel patterns, transit needs and service gaps in Butte County
  • An evaluation of B-Line fixed route and paratransit services
  • Public input, via an on-line survey, data collection on B-Line buses, stakeholder meetings and public meetings. 
Completed Document - April 2015
Cover Page and Table of Contents, Executive Summary     
Based on the findings from the study, a series of transit service alternatives were developed, and a preferred B-Line route network has been proposed.  The plan also identifies high-priority projects to facilitate regional bicycling and improve pedestrian access to major transit facilities. 

These recommendations are now being carried forward and integrated into the 2016 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS) to improve accessibility and reduce environmental impacts of driving in Butte County by promoting bicycling, walking, and expanded transit service.  This effort began in 2014.  The 2016 MTP/SCS is scheduled to be adopted by BCAG by December 2016.  This Transit and Non-Motorized Transportation Plan will make a major overhaul to the current chapters in the MTP/SCS. Public participation will in fact continue as part of the MTP/SCS update. This planning document has been made available to each of the local cities and County as an additional planning tool for the locals to be aware of and to compliment their own planning and public works projects.

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If you have further questions about this study please contact Ivan Garcia at BCAG, 809-4616 or by email at

Project Schedule

The project has been completed.

Reports and Presentations
Keep checking back here for updated reports and information. 
12/1/2013 DRAFT Existing Conditions Report   (Approx 20 meg file). Hard copy available at the BCAG Offices.      
Participation Plan - Community Outreach Approach  

Public involvement is key to the success of the project.  The Public Involvement Approach provides a concise overview of public involvement objectives and actions for the Transit and Non-Motorized Plan. This brief memorandum presents the plan for soliciting and incorporating the input of the community. Please click on the link below for more information:

This findings of this project are being carried into the development of the 2016 MTP/SCS. The public is strongly encouraged to continue to participate. 

February 2015 and May 2015 BCAG Transportation Advisory Committee Agendas

Butte County Planning Directors Meeting and Executive Summary Attachment  


Workshop Brochure

Public Involvement Approach