All Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Qualifications (RFQs), Invitation for Bids (IFB) and any solicitations falling under the disciplines of A&E (Architect and Engineering) will be made available through Intergrated Marketing Systems (IMS) and posted in the Butte County Association of Governments "Projects" web page. The links to these pages are listed below.
A&E solicitations also include consultants pursuing work in the soil and environmental sciences as well as city and urban planning.
Please create an account with IMS to receive these notifications automatically.
Any outside business or agency staff calling our office to be placed on any e-mail based “notification list” will be directed to our related agency web page (http://www.bcag.org/Projects/RFPs/index.html) and to the IMS website (https://www.imsinfo.com/).
On March 30, 2023, BCAG informed any contacts listed on previous potential bidders/vendors lists of the current process for notifications. This was the only notice that will be delivered via email regarding this process. BCAG is not responsible for changes in email contacts that it was not notified of prior to that date.
Current Opportunities
Current Opportunities
Current Opportunities