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Route 191 Widening in Paradise

What is the Project?
At the request of BCAG and the Town of Paradise, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) completed a Project Study Report (PSR) (July of 2001) investigating alternatives for constructing a number of improvements on Route 191 intended to improve safety and operations together with reduced congestion.

The project being pursued is being referred to as Phase 1 improvement which will consist of adding a two-way left turn lane, a signal and lighting at Buschman Road, constructing sidewalks on the west side of the roadway, improving the shoulders and installing a storm drain system from north of Old Clark Road to Pearson Road.

In December of 2002, BCAG took the lead to develop the environmental document and begin the process of completing the first phase of this project which is the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) phase.  

Why is the Project being done?
This section of Route 191 is commercially developed and is characterized by few pedestrian facilities, poor drainage and high traffic movements to and from local streets and driveways.  In addition, the intersection at Buschman Road meets traffic signal warrants. The current problem at Buschman Road is northbound 191 rear end accidents resulting from vehicles stopped waiting for a gap to turn left onto Buschman Road.  In addition, high traffic movements to and from fronting commercial and residential properties create a high number of conflicting movements with through traffic.  

What is the current status of the Project?
The Mitigated Negative Declaration is currently being prepared and is expected to be approved by the BCAG Board of Directors in August of 2005. This will complete the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusion will be completed following Board action to approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approval of the Project Report.

This project continues to be on hold indefinitely pending funding availability within the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).  The next phase of this project would be to develop the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Phase 1 project. Should the 2012 STIP funding cycle or other sources of funding become available, BCAG will consider further progress of this project when comparing the regional priorities at that time.

Questions or comments:
Should you have any questions or comments regarding the project please call or e-mail Andy Newsum, Project Manager at (530) 809-4616.