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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

State Route 70 Corridor

After 30 years of planning, environmental study and mitigations, design, right of way and construction, nearly $1 billion dollars of local, regional. state and federal funding has been invested in building a four-lane continuous highway between the Cities of Chico and Marysville.  This project is now largely completed.  The primary driver of all the investments to the SR 70 corridor has been safety and the elimination of fatalities. As segments of the project were completed, significant increases in safety were immediately relaized.  
BCAG wishes to thank all those in the community who participated in the development, planning and construction of the corridor. BCAG also wiehse to thnak the staff and elected leadership atr the local, regional, state and federal levels who supported this project through the years.  A project of this magnitude requires communication and coordination over many years with committed people. The end result proves large and important capital projects can be completed.