Public Participation Plan
Public Participation Plan - Development
In an effort to reach out to the people of Butte County, and in response to the passage of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP 21), BCAG has developed an updated 2016 Public Participation Plan (PPP). This plan serves to formalize and follow public outreach strategies involving the populace in transportation planning decisions. BCAG is providing and implementing this PPP to reflect its current and future public involvement in response to federal and state guidelines and requirements.
The Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) was subsequently succeeded by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (Map 21) by Congress in 2012. While the current transportation legislation is the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, there are not any significant changes to the PPP. MAP 21 continued the strong federal emphasis on public participation, requiring that the public participation plans of metropolitan planning processes “be developed in consultation with all interested parties and provide that all interested parties have reasonable opportunities to comment on the contents of the transportation plan”. The PPP is intended to provide and document the direction for public involvement activities to be conducted by BCAG.
Objectives of the Public Participation Plan:
Objectives of the Public Participation Plan:
- Raise level of understanding of the transportation planning process in Butte County and identify how interested citizens can participate.
- Maximize opportunity for public involvement in the transportation process.
- Maintain contact with interested citizens and key stakeholders throughout the process of developing plans and projects.
In addition, BCAG has developed a new, "Policy for Government-to-Government Consultation with Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Governments" document. The United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Order 5301.1 ensures that programs, policies, and procedures administered by the U.S. DOT are responsive to the needs and concerns of Native American Tribal Governments. This Order provides a very thorough overview of the various federal regulations and Executive Orders on this subject. This Order is available at:
US Code Title 23 Sec 135 (e and f) generally state that Tribal Government concerns should be considered in developing planning documents. Specifically, the applicable provisions concerning the documented process from the U.S. DOT joint FHWA/FTA planning regulations at 23 CFR 450.316 state:
- (c) When the MPO includes Indian Tribal lands, the MPO shall appropriately involve the Indian Tribal government(s) in the development of the metropolitan transportation plan and the TIP.
- (e) MPOs shall, to the extent practicable, develop a documented process(es) that outlines roles, responsibilities, and key decision points for consulting with Indian Tribal governments and agencies, ...which may be included in the agreement(s) developed under §450.314.
The reference to the metropolitan transportation plan would be BCAG’s long-range Regional Transportation Plan / Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). The reference to the “TIP” would be BCAG’s short-range programming document known as the Butte County Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP).
With the development of the new 2024 long range Regional Transportation Plan / Sustainable Communities Strategy, BCAG is again revisitng its Public Participation Plan (PPP). Since the 2019 PPP was prepared, public participation has changed significantly with COVID-19 and subsequent COVID related public health concerns. Since 2019, remote public participation with zoom, webX, conference calling and other social distance protective measures have been widely accepted. The 2022 PPP update will reflect updated guidance from FHWA and Caltrans. BCAG is soliciting input from the public on recommended changes and suggestions to consider. The 2022 PPP is scheduled to be adopted by the BCAG Board on April 28, 2022. Please contact Ivan Garcia at the BCAG offices for any questions or input. The current 2019 PPP is posted below.
Appendix B - Outreach Efforts & Publication Listing (See below postings for outreach efforts)
Appendix C - Comments Received (none)
APPENDIX B - Outreach Efforts & Publications Listing:
Public Participation Flyer - Oroville Pubilc Event (Alongside Butt County Public Health at CORE Health Fair on February 26, 2022)
Public Participation Flyer - Chico Public Event (Alongside Butte County Public Health at CORE Health Fair on Jan 29, 2022 posted on transit fleet)
Workshops Held:
CHICO Northern Valley Indian Health Vaccine Clinic
Thursday, February 24, 2022, 1 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.
Masonic Lodge – 1110 W. East Ave., Chico CA 95926
OROVILLE African American Family Cultural Center (AAFCC) Health Fair Block Party
Saturday, February 26, 2022, 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.
3300 Spencer Ave, Oroville, CA 95966
CHICO Bethel AME Church Health Fair and Gospel Performances
Sunday, February 27, 2022, 12 P.M. to 6 P.M.
821 Linden St., Chico CA 95928
Chico Pics at Bethel AME Church

Con el desarrollo del nuevo Plan Regional de Transporte de largo alcance 2024 / Estrategia de Comunidades Sostenibles, BCAG está revisando nuevamente su Plan de Participación Pública (PPP). Desde que se preparó la APP de 2019, la participación pública ha cambiado significativamente con COVID-19 y las posteriores preocupaciones de salud pública relacionadas con COVID. Desde 2019, la participación pública remota con zoom, webX, llamadas de conferencia y otras medidas de protección de distancia social ha sido ampliamente aceptada. La actualización de PPP de 2022 reflejará la orientación actualizada de FHWA y Caltrans. BCAG está solicitando aportes del público sobre los cambios recomendados y las sugerencias a considerar. La APP 2022 está programada para ser adoptada por la Junta de BCAG el 28 de abril de 2022. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Iván García en las oficinas de BCAG para cualquier pregunta o entrada. El PPP actual de 2019 se publica a continuación.
With the development of the new 2020 long range Regional Transportation Plan / Sustainable Communities Strategy, BCAG is revisiting its Public Participation Plan (PPP) to ensure the document is current and complies to state and federal requirements. Minor updates are proposed to document Title VI efforts. Prior to approval, BCAG staff is hosting a workshop to solicit input on this update.
A workshop has been scheduled at Chapman Elementary School in an attempt to engage those individuals who may not normally participate in the planning process. The new 2019 PPP is scheduled to be approved by the BCAG Board of Directors at their April 25, 2019 Board meeting. A public notice was placed in the local newspaper of general circulation as well as displays on the Butte Regional Transit Fleet.
Final Document (Approved April 25, 2019)
Public Notices (Chico Enterprise Record & Butte Regional Transit Fleet)
Public Notice - Posted in Chico Enterprise Record, Mercury Register and Entire Butte Regional Transit Fleet
Older Public Participation Plans
September 22, 2016
February 27, 2014
Public Participation Plan (Document) - Amendment #04
PPP Language Amendment: Revise Policy 1.2 to read, “BCAG shall notice the public comment period for Plan and Program amendments in at least one local newspaper in the area where the project is generally located, as appropriate.”
August 26, 2010
Public Participation Plan (Document) - Amendment #03
Amendment incorporates new language per comments from the Federal Transit Administration regarding the "Program of Projects" public participation process is included in the development and or amendment of the FTIP.
Public Notice
April 22, 2010
Public Participation Plan (Document) - Amendment #02
Amendment incorporates new state requirements for public participation associated with the development of BCAG's Regional Transportation Plan - Sustainable Communities Strategy or Alternative Planning Strategy, if one is needed.
Public Notice
February 1, 2009
Public Participation Plan (Document) - Amendment #01
Amendment updates the comment review period for certain amendment categories for the RTP and FTIP.
Public Notice
January 24, 2008
Public Participation Plan (Document)
Appendix A ~ Complete Version (contains all documents listed below)
Public Participation Plan (Document) - Amendment #03
Amendment incorporates new language per comments from the Federal Transit Administration regarding the "Program of Projects" public participation process is included in the development and or amendment of the FTIP.
Public Notice
April 22, 2010
Public Participation Plan (Document) - Amendment #02
Amendment incorporates new state requirements for public participation associated with the development of BCAG's Regional Transportation Plan - Sustainable Communities Strategy or Alternative Planning Strategy, if one is needed.
Public Notice
February 1, 2009
Public Participation Plan (Document) - Amendment #01
Amendment updates the comment review period for certain amendment categories for the RTP and FTIP.
Public Notice
January 24, 2008
Public Participation Plan (Document)
Appendix A ~ Complete Version (contains all documents listed below)
PPP Outreach & Public Involvement
APPENDIX A ~ Individual Components
January 24, 2008 BCAG Board Memo
January 24, 2008 Adopting Resolution
December 5, 2007 - Public Notice 2 - Extending comment period through January 24th BCAG Board Meeting.
November 1, 2007 - E -Memorandum Notification - Email informing availability for review
Novemember 2, 2007 - Public Notice - Informing of official 45 day comment period, published in local newspaper and on B-Line Transit Fleet.
Public Workshop Announcement in Local Newspaper
RTP / PPP Station Presentation Station Posters of Presentation Given
RTP/PPP Brochure
PPP Station Summary Station Poster of Presentation given
Letter to SSTAC & CTWG (Social Services Transportation Advisory Council & Coordinated Transportation Working Group)
Letter to Local Tribes
Interest Survey
Correspondence to FTIP Managers, TAC and Neighboring Regions
Social Services Transportation Advisory Council & Coordinated Transportation Working Group Agenda
Letter to Freight Shippers & Goods Movement Agencies
PPP Agency Distribution List
January 24, 2008 BCAG Board Memo
January 24, 2008 Adopting Resolution
December 5, 2007 - Public Notice 2 - Extending comment period through January 24th BCAG Board Meeting.
November 1, 2007 - E -Memorandum Notification - Email informing availability for review
Novemember 2, 2007 - Public Notice - Informing of official 45 day comment period, published in local newspaper and on B-Line Transit Fleet.
Public Workshop Announcement in Local Newspaper
RTP / PPP Station Presentation Station Posters of Presentation Given
RTP/PPP Brochure
PPP Station Summary Station Poster of Presentation given
Letter to SSTAC & CTWG (Social Services Transportation Advisory Council & Coordinated Transportation Working Group)
Letter to Local Tribes
Interest Survey
Correspondence to FTIP Managers, TAC and Neighboring Regions
Social Services Transportation Advisory Council & Coordinated Transportation Working Group Agenda
Letter to Freight Shippers & Goods Movement Agencies
PPP Agency Distribution List
Contact Us
If you have comments, questions or would like to participate in the development of BCAG's Public Participation Plan, please contact Ivan Garcia, Programming Manager at (530) 809-4616 or via e-mail at
If you would like to receive updates and/or notifications, please send an e-mail to and be sure to include your:
If you would like to receive updates and/or notifications, please send an e-mail to and be sure to include your:
- Name
- Mailing or E-mail Address
- Daytime Phone Number