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Butte County Association of Governments

Butte County Association of Governments

Title VI

Si la información es necesaria en español, comuníquese al (530) 809-4616 para obtener ayuda.
Yog xav tau kom cov no sau ua lus Hmoob, hu rau (530) 809-4616.
What is Title VI? 
Butte County Association of Governments (BCAG) and Butte Regional Transit (BRT or B-Line) grants all citizens equal access to its transportation services. BCAG and BRT are committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color, or national origin as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its associated rules, regulations and ammendments.
Public Notices about this policy are posted in EnglishHmong and Spanish at the BCAG/BRT administration office, on all fixed route and paratransit vehicles, at the transit centers in Chico and Oroville and at stops and shelters when appropriate space is available. This fulfills the intent of the agencies to have all citizens remain aware of their rights to such access. The Title VI Program document and this website are designed to serve as educational tools for citizens to understand the civil rights laws that protect their benefit of B-Line programs and services.
Please note that Title VI regulations apply to issues of race, color or national origin. Complaints relating to other protected classes, such as religion or gender, are processed via other avenues. More information is available from the national Office of Civil Rights (OCR). 
BCAG / BRT  Title VI Program Information
The Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) requires that all federal fund recipients adhere to Title VI by having a current TItle VI program in place, reviewing and updating the program every 3 years, and having board approval of the program. The current program period for BCAG / BRT is 2022-2024. The next review / update will take place at the end of 2024 for the next program cycle. 
Click here to view the DRAFT Title VI Porgram for 2025-2027. (Board item for Approval is scheduled for 3/27/2025.)
The agency's Title VI program includes a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan, beginning on page 19 of the current document. This plan is develeoped to help identify reasonable steps for providing language assistance to persons with limited English proficiency who wish to access services provided by B-Line.
Filing a Title VI Related Complaint
The FTA encourages initially filing Title VI complaints with local agencies, though this is not required. To file an initial complaint with BCAG / BRT, please follow the steps outlined in the following documents:

If a complainant wishes to file directly with the FTA through the Office of Civiil Rights (OCR), information and forms can be accessed here:
For more information regarding Title VI or the LEP Plan, please contact:
Amy White, Title VI Administrator
Phone: 530-809-4616